These are a really gorgeous set of books. Both hardcover editions and illustrated by Omar Aranda from Argentina, the Storybook Bible is a much larger size at around 11 inches by 9 inches. The "NIRV Once Upon A Time Holy Bible' is the standard Bible size (8.5x5.5 inches)
NIRV stands for New International Readers Version of the Bible.
I'll start off with the Bible. It opens up to a full color presentation page, followed by an illustrated summarized story from Genesis 2:7-27 titled 'God Makes Man and Woman' which simply tells of God creating Adam and then Eve. Following that is all the usual contents page etc and into Genesis. The text is fairly small and the layout is standard Bible layout. What makes this
Bible unique is that there are six stories from the Bible throughout on full color inserts, with the beautiful illustration by Omar. No maps at the end - just a dictionary and great bible stories reference. I have to say the illustrations are what makes this Bible different but aside from the six stories throughout - it really doesn't have much else to stand out from others. To me, it's a bizarre mixture and I'm not sure if they are trying to aim for a broader reader ability? The six stories are only a few pages each and fairly simple text.
The rest of the Bible is just normal and nothing attractive about it at all. If the child is drawn in by the pictures alone then it's very limited. Don't get me wrong - the illustrations are beautiful. I'm just a bit confused by this Bible. Is it just an excuse to display some beautiful illustrations? And if so, why didn't they put more in? I personally, would not recommend this Bible.

Now onto the 'Once Upon A Time Storybook'. I like how at the bottom it says
'The Bible is not a fairy tale. Every great story happened once upon a time'. This one opens up to a full color presentation page, introduction and contents - one page Old Testament and one page New Testament. The listings are all stories - see photo attached if you'd like to see what the stories are. Then the next page is a title page for the Old Testament. Each story has a title, verse and story starting with 'Once upon a time..." At the end is a section that says 'Happily Ever After' which may have a practical application or thought directed to God and a scripture.
The stories all follow scripture and are sound summaries. The illustrations by Omar are outstanding. It reminds me of an animated movie in style. I am very impressed with this book and would definitely recommend it highly. It would make a fantastic gift also.
You can buy both of these books here.
The Storybook Bible is available at Sam's Club or wherever books are sold
The Holy Bible is available wherever books are sold.
Official Website:
#onceuponatimebible #flyby
NIRV stands for New International Readers Version of the Bible.
I'll start off with the Bible. It opens up to a full color presentation page, followed by an illustrated summarized story from Genesis 2:7-27 titled 'God Makes Man and Woman' which simply tells of God creating Adam and then Eve. Following that is all the usual contents page etc and into Genesis. The text is fairly small and the layout is standard Bible layout. What makes this
Bible unique is that there are six stories from the Bible throughout on full color inserts, with the beautiful illustration by Omar. No maps at the end - just a dictionary and great bible stories reference. I have to say the illustrations are what makes this Bible different but aside from the six stories throughout - it really doesn't have much else to stand out from others. To me, it's a bizarre mixture and I'm not sure if they are trying to aim for a broader reader ability? The six stories are only a few pages each and fairly simple text.
The rest of the Bible is just normal and nothing attractive about it at all. If the child is drawn in by the pictures alone then it's very limited. Don't get me wrong - the illustrations are beautiful. I'm just a bit confused by this Bible. Is it just an excuse to display some beautiful illustrations? And if so, why didn't they put more in? I personally, would not recommend this Bible.

Now onto the 'Once Upon A Time Storybook'. I like how at the bottom it says
'The Bible is not a fairy tale. Every great story happened once upon a time'. This one opens up to a full color presentation page, introduction and contents - one page Old Testament and one page New Testament. The listings are all stories - see photo attached if you'd like to see what the stories are. Then the next page is a title page for the Old Testament. Each story has a title, verse and story starting with 'Once upon a time..." At the end is a section that says 'Happily Ever After' which may have a practical application or thought directed to God and a scripture.
The stories all follow scripture and are sound summaries. The illustrations by Omar are outstanding. It reminds me of an animated movie in style. I am very impressed with this book and would definitely recommend it highly. It would make a fantastic gift also.
You can buy both of these books here.
The Storybook Bible is available at Sam's Club or wherever books are sold
The Holy Bible is available wherever books are sold.
Official Website:
Please note that I was sent a copy of these books from the publisher for purposes of review, however all opinions expressed are my own.
#onceuponatimebible #flyby
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