Review of Hermie & Friends A Bug Collection Vol 3

I have never seen any of the Max Lucado children's DVD's before so this was completely new to me.  This DVD collection is three stories each on separate DVD's with extras etc on each one.  My first impression on loading the first DVD was WOW - the graphics are just beautiful!  There is humour in each one and the characters are really cute.  Max Lucado and Hermie introduce and conclude each DVD also.

The first DVD - Milo the Mantis Who Wouldn't Pray, is about a praying mantis whose Snack Bar got swept away in the wind and he didn't know what to do, so his friends suggested he pray and ask for God's help.  It goes through in a simple way how you pray - easy for kids to understand.  The answer in the end came through his friends ideas and the things around him and yet that was Gods answer, so it teaches children to look for God's answers to their prayers in other things too as God uses everything.

The second DVD - Buzby and the Grumble Bees, is about the importance of rules and manners in the home and in life.  Buzby's kids dont like the rules and go to see how others live without rules and manners and decide they really don't like living like that. They get a new appreciation for the reason behind the chores, the rules and things that they don't always like to do.  I liked this one particularly because I think when people have the bigger picture of understanding it helps with the motivation to do the little things right and this is great to give kids that big picture.  It's also kind of cute how the dad bee is styled like Elvis and sings.

The third DVD - Hailey & Bailey's Silly Fight, focuses on the importance of trying to get along with each other and not letting silly things get out of control in relationships.  These silly things we get so upset about can actually stop us from seeing the things we need to do around us - like helping others because we get so consumed by the fight.  Important message for kids and adults alike.

Overall I would recommend these DVDs, they are cute, entertaining and the message is really good on each DVD.   

Please Note: Booksneeze provided me with a complimentary copy of this book to review. This review is my own and not influenced by anyone else.
