(Please note this review was first written a few years ago) I just read this book by Dawn Eden - columnist and editor of Daily News in New York City.
You can't even buy this in Australia yet...but thanks to the internet and Amazon...I found it there and had it sent over.
And WOW! I'm so impressed. The reason I even knew about it is cos my sister in law told me about a review of it in a NZ newspaper. It's a response to the casual-sex lifestyle and Sex In The City philosophy held today by so many singles and how detrimental it is to them... Interestingly enough, she became a christian a while back and from then on started to rethink her previous lifestyle - deciding Chastity is the only way to go.
How true!
Here's some quotes: (It is written from a single womens perspective more to women than men)
"Chastity is the virtue of which we are in control of our sexual appetite rather than it being in control of us"
"I believe that God is the matchmaker - I believe His dossier on your possible candidates for a futur husband is extremely thin. In fact, I believe it contains only one name"
"Frustration comes from resentment, and resentment comes from pride. The frustrated ego says, 'I deserve this and I am being denied it for reasons that are beyond my control'. (We have no right to say we deserve anything...we deserve nothing yet God still loves us...anything He gives is a gift we could never deserve)
"..our culture - both in the media and in everyday interactions - relentlessly puts forth the idea that lust is a way station on the road to love. Make that more than a way station: it's more like an indefinite layover. This misguided, hedonistic philosophy harms both men and women, but is particularly damaging to women, as it pressures them to subvert their deepest emotional desires. Women are built for bonding. We are vessels, and we seek to be filled. For that reason sex will always leave us feeling empty unless we are certain that we are loved."
"There must be a reason why people, in the face of loneliness and isolation, are willing to forgo easy pleasures in hope of better ones. For me, it's because I became convinced that having premarital sex - contrary to what our culture claims - actually made me less likely to gain a husband. Moreover, I realised that my readiness to engage in physical intimacy altered me emotionally to the point that I was not equipped to sustain a marriage."
"God created marriage as a means to make us more like Him. The greatest way we can be like God is to love one another the way He loves us."
"A man and woman's commitments to love, honour and cherish each other as long as they both shall live take on new meaning and power when they both long with all their hearts for eternal life with God. The gift of self that they give to each other becomes a gift to the Lord. God rewards the married couple with the gift of being able to participate in His act of creation.....When a husband and wife put their hearts, minds, spirits and bodies together with no limits, the result brings a spiritual abundance that - used properly - makes the world a far richer place."
I really hope this book has a strong impact on society and today's culture...something REALLY needs to change in this whole area - even in christian circles I hear more and more... its sad :-(
People need to realise once again, the value of chastity in waiting for the best rather than cashing in cheap.
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