I was very excited to read this as I love biographies and also loved the idea of more stories of great people however it was a real let down for me. The way it is written, to me, is very dull and I found it really boring. It is basically just a recount of the events of the person's life - very matter of fact, oftentimes saying 'perhaps they this' or 'maybe it was because of that' guessing things where history doesn't provide information. I don't mind that aspect too much but I guess I was really hoping to meet new characters in this book but they didn't come to life at all through the writing style. I found it a tedious read and very dry. Very hard to keep reading, it just lacked the interest factor. If you want mere historical facts on the person, you can get it here like you can probably anywhere on the internet, if you're wanting to get to know the characters and read a book that tries to capture the personality behind the name, perhaps more in a novel style, then look elsewhere as I will be doing.
Please note: Booksneeze sent me a copy of this book for review. This review is not influenced by anyone else, it is my own.
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