Review of 'Unoffendable' by Brant Hansen

This book intrigued me straight away with the title as it's a topic that consistently comes up for me and knowing, as Christians, we shouldn't be quick to offense - as the Bible says - but how does that look in practice? Well this book doesn't disappoint... in fact it gave me every thing I needed to hear - the refreshing words like water in a desert.  As Christians God's way is always radically different from the status quo and this book really reveals another way.  Offenses are all around us - everyone takes offense or offends - that's just life and it seems it's escalating on a daily basis the things that people get offended about.

Brant writes in a friendly, candid way that is very easy to relate to and very easy to read.  I really appreciated this book a lot and hope that as many people as possible read this and are freed from this stress in our lives.  He talks about how we have no right to get angry and have to get rid of it from our lives as soon as possible stating that only God's character can handle anger, vengeance and judgement which is why many times throughout scripture we are told to leave these things up to God and not hold on to any of them.  Easier said than done, yes.

He made some brilliant points such as:
* Anger does not produce in us the kind of righteousness God is looking for in us
* Forgiving is to surrender your claim to resentment and let go of anger
* We will flourish when we follow Gods way of humility
* God deals with other people's sins - we need to just be grateful every day that He has taken ours away.
* Anger is always associated with foolishness - not wisdom i.e. It finds its residence in the lap of fools. Ecclesiastes 7:9

Interestingly he brings up about our hearts and how desperately wicked they are as scripture says.  We cannot trust our heart - it's deceptive and it even fools us. We have a bias to ourselves.  We can't be trusted to judge our own motives let alone someone else's - we think we know our own motives but our heart fools us. Leave the judging up to God.

Jesus knows this about our hearts and he isn't shocked and we also shouldn't be shocked by others offenses.  We are all broken in nature - we have to expect it.  We need to choose to see and focus on the good and lovely moments in life.

He covers so many important topics in this book all around the area of Offense, it is really a very valuable book that I will be taking much from.  Full of honest stories, heartwarming experiences - it's an excellent book.  I highly recommend it to everyone!

Please note that Booklook sent me a copy of this book for review but the opinions expressed are entirely my own.
