Review of Believe Storybook Think, Act, Be Like Jesus by Randy Frazee

This book is a lot larger in real life than I expected and is the kind of book I'm immediately drawn to because of the stunning cover design.  Every element of the cover and it's colors just draws me in! And opening it, this book just keeps getting better and better even! 

Randy has divided the book into three major sections being:
The Core Beliefs of Christian Life, 
The Core Practices of Christian Life and 
The Core Virtues of Christian Life.

I just love how he has organized it - He will have the paragraph with the key thought, then he will direct to the Old Testament - something that ties in.  Following that there is a 'Jump To Jesus' part which brings Jesus in and onto the New Testament example then ending with a section called 'The Jesus Answer' which is a practical application.  There is also a key idea and verse for each section which you could easily do as a memory verse.

I love everything about this book!  As I mentioned above, it is organized so well and very easy to follow.  I love the illustrations and design of the book from cover to cover - it is truly a piece of art!
Finally I love the content and topic choices - so relevant and practical for children. This is truly a quality teaching book for children to bring the Bible and their faith to life! I would love to see more by this author maybe a series in the same format?

Highly recommend this one!

Please note: Booklook sent me a complimentary copy of this book for review. This review is entirely my own.
