With all the things going on lately relating to end times prophecies I was excited to get this Bible. A beautiful hard cover edition, it is full of charts and further study information around the scriptures.
According to Hagee the Bible was designed to help the following:
* Understanding God's prophetic program and events of the end times
* Understanding God's prophets
* Experience power for living
* Equipping to share with others and give more clarity.
I love the visuals - the charts putting prophecy's in order, the master index to all Biblical Prophecy so you can easily find, excellent cross referencing and layouts that are reader friendly and flow well.
It is evident there is a lot of research contained within this Bible. Each book of the Bible is prefaced by information about the author, summary of the book, summary of the time, who Christ was, what the key thoughts are of the book, survey's of prophecies within.
Also throughout are eight other sections called Prophecy Study Helps which cover topics as follows:
* 'Diamonds for Daily Living' which make great daily thoughts to ponder and deepen your relationship with Jesus.
* Top 20 Questions about Bible Prophecy dealing with questions such as accuracy, the tribulation, views on the rapture, armageddon, What is hell and so on.
* Gods Great Promises covers the different covenants made through the Bible
* God's Great Salvation discusses Sin, Atonement, God's Plan, Repentance, Judgement and Salvation
* Evidences is a large group of topics such as the Trinity, Morality, Miracles, Suffering, Missions, Hypocrites, Unforgiveable sins, Eternity and more.
* Spokesman For God looks at 20 spokesmen from Moses to Jonah to John the Baptist.
* Bible Insights provides information on Biblical events and people discussing The Remnant, Elisha's Ministry, The Two Paracletes, The four gospels, Names for Satan, The Millennium, The Mark of the Beast etc
* Bible Prophecy Charts provides charts for many prophetic events such as prophecy fulfilled from the beginning to Christ and then from Christ to eternity. The Rapture and tribulation and millennium, The seventy weeks of Daniel and so on.
There is just so much in this Bible! It also includes a full concordance and also maps. A fantastic resource for any Christian home wanting a deeper understanding of scriptures and the times we live in. I would highly recommend this book!
Please note that Booklook sent me a copy of this book for my review however my review is entirely my own.
According to Hagee the Bible was designed to help the following:
* Understanding God's prophetic program and events of the end times
* Understanding God's prophets
* Experience power for living
* Equipping to share with others and give more clarity.
I love the visuals - the charts putting prophecy's in order, the master index to all Biblical Prophecy so you can easily find, excellent cross referencing and layouts that are reader friendly and flow well.
It is evident there is a lot of research contained within this Bible. Each book of the Bible is prefaced by information about the author, summary of the book, summary of the time, who Christ was, what the key thoughts are of the book, survey's of prophecies within.
Also throughout are eight other sections called Prophecy Study Helps which cover topics as follows:
* 'Diamonds for Daily Living' which make great daily thoughts to ponder and deepen your relationship with Jesus.
* Top 20 Questions about Bible Prophecy dealing with questions such as accuracy, the tribulation, views on the rapture, armageddon, What is hell and so on.
* Gods Great Promises covers the different covenants made through the Bible
* God's Great Salvation discusses Sin, Atonement, God's Plan, Repentance, Judgement and Salvation
* Evidences is a large group of topics such as the Trinity, Morality, Miracles, Suffering, Missions, Hypocrites, Unforgiveable sins, Eternity and more.
* Spokesman For God looks at 20 spokesmen from Moses to Jonah to John the Baptist.
* Bible Insights provides information on Biblical events and people discussing The Remnant, Elisha's Ministry, The Two Paracletes, The four gospels, Names for Satan, The Millennium, The Mark of the Beast etc
* Bible Prophecy Charts provides charts for many prophetic events such as prophecy fulfilled from the beginning to Christ and then from Christ to eternity. The Rapture and tribulation and millennium, The seventy weeks of Daniel and so on.
There is just so much in this Bible! It also includes a full concordance and also maps. A fantastic resource for any Christian home wanting a deeper understanding of scriptures and the times we live in. I would highly recommend this book!
Please note that Booklook sent me a copy of this book for my review however my review is entirely my own.
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