Review of 'Angels In The Bible Storybook'

I must admit, as an artist, the artwork in on the cover first drew me to this book - it is exquisite! The unique size of it of 6.5 x 8 inch hard cover and the beautiful design throughout just makes this book a real delight even for adults!

So now onto the content - what it actually is is an account of all the occasions in the Bible involving angels starting at the Old Testament through to the New Testament finishing with John's account of heaven from Revelation.  It includes scriptures about angels and interesting information as well here and there.

The text is regular type a little larger than in adult books - I'm guessing size 12 probably - so it's not really large print for early readers or anything like that.  I imagine this is more a book to be read to younger children though the language is simple enough for probably 7 years up to be able to read independently. It is not straight from the Bible, they have created stories from the Bible accounts and stay close to that also.

It's actually great to have all these stories compiled in one place - particularly for home schoolers who may be doing a study on angels.  It's also a great resource to look at all the different roles of angels throughout the Bible.

I think this is a beautiful book and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it!

Please note that Booklook sent me a copy of this book for my review however this review is entirely my own.
