He discusses some hard things!
Ed Young has created the 10 Commandments of Marriage which are:
2. Thou shalt have no strings attached: discusses leaving parents and cleaving to each other - no longer attached to their purse, their advice, leaving problems of the past.
3. Thou shalt continually communicate: don't ever do the silent treatment on each other. We each need empathy, understanding and intimacy. Find out each others love language!
4. Thou shalt make conflict thy Ally: strengthen the friendship at the heart of the relationship. Keeping conflict constructive not destructive towards each other.
5. Thou shalt avoid the quick sand of materialism: He looks at greed, the value of giving away things. The example of Ananias and Sapphira and how they deceived themselves by holding back from God. We are stewards.
Then he continues onto the last four commandments with a wealth of great information in each of them also.
7. Thou shalt forgive thy mate - 490 times and more
8. Thou shalt romance the home
9. THou shalt begin again and again
10. Thou shalt build a winning team.
Each chapter ends with reflection questions which are helpful to review and put it into practice.
This book is a great resource and I would definitely recommend it for everyone!
Please note that I was sent a copy of this book for purposes of review, however, the opinions expressed are entirely my own.
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