This is a standard size hardback Bible. The cover design is very attractive and contemporary and would work for girls or boys equally. The text size is standard as per most Bibles. What is different about this Bible, and that I LOVE, is how they have created devotions throughout it, related to the content.
There is a devotion for every week day of the year and then one called 'Weekend devotion' which can be read either Saturday or Sunday. Each devotion has a Bible verse and then the scripture it is taken from and then a short teaching on it or thought about it, along with questions to think about. Often there is a suggested activity also. There is also a small box down the bottom of the devotion where they can check off that they have read it - VERY cool!
Another great feature of this Bible is the dictionary in the back where they have put all the tricky words and info on things such as Feast of Hannukah or Feast of Weeks, abyss, baal, ark of the covenant etc.
I am very impressed with this Bible and would highly recommend it for all kids. My guess would be that this would be perfect for 11 years plus.
Please note that I was sent a copy of this Bible for purposes of review - however this review is entirely my own.
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