I am pleasantly surprised to hear how this whole thing has become a movement of #frontyardpeople - how cool! This whole concept just appeals to me on so many levels - she really had me convinced straight away on this, but reading all the stories and ideas throughout the book just confirmed over and over that this truly is an amazing idea!
turquoise that Kristin put in her front yard in hopes to connect with her neighbors and provide a place for people to come and find friendship and community. She was really surprised at the response. She found it was something people were very comfortable with and it made it easy to strike up conversations etc. Even for inviting people over to eat or just for coffee and donuts and you don't have to worry if your house is tidy etc as it's all outdoors. Plus it is so nice to be outdoors and this gives a great excuse for that.
This book is so easy to read. Along with stories from others experiences with their turquoise tables, she shares recipes for treats you may like to share around your turquoise table. There are also collected ideas of 'events' you could do and much more. It brought tears to my eyes how much this simple concept has really affected and blessed her community and many others across the world already. I love that people have caught onto this and so glad I know about it, to look out for them as well as have my own as soon as I am able.
Hospitality isn't entertaining. Hospitality is serving others and providing a place for them to be heard and looked after and that's what this is all about. It's not about impressing others with things - it's a place for sharing and being present with each other and most of all connecting. An effort to get people out of there isolated boxes and back in community with each other again - and it's working!
I must also say at this point the book itself is beautiful!! It's a hard back with the table design as the background with gold ribbon and spine and writing on the front. It is just really pretty. The page design is really lovely too.
I would recommend this book very highly. I have to say I absolutely enjoyed reading every bit of it - I love it and definitely consider this a favorite.
Please note that I was sent a copy of this book for purposes of review however the opinions expressedare entirely my own.
Thanks for the review! Interested in checking it out!