Review of 'Love Letters From God - Bible Stories For A Girl's Heart' by Glenys Nellist

I have to start by saying I have several of these Love Letter books already and love them, so was excited to find this one written specifically with girl's in mind.  It is, as expected, utterly adorable!  With dominant purples and pinks throughout, hearts and butterflies - this would be the perfect gift for any young girl.  In particular I love the illustrations by Rachel Clowes - so simple and sweet and fit just perfectly for this book.

In a similar style to the others, yet these stories are spreads each focussing on a different female in the Bible and telling her story.  Each spread
also contains a Love Letter specifically for the reader from God. You can even write their name in to personalize it even further.

These are the females covered: Eve, Miriam, Rahab, Deborah, Hannah, Naaman's servant girl, Esther, Mary the mother of Jesus, The Samaritan woman at the well, Woman caught in sin, Martha, The Widows mite, Mary anoints Jesus feet and Mary Magdalene at the resurrection.

The stories are paraphrased and very simple and sweet and emotive.    For example the first line of Eve is "God clapped his hands in delight as Eve opened her eyes for the very first time. She was wonderful!"  God is referred to so warmly and personally throughout - I love it.  It shows the reader how that Bible girl handled different situations in her life relying on God.  Setting great Biblical examples for young girls too, I think this book is fantastic.

So I highly recommend this book! Along with all the books in the series of Love Letters.  Beautifully written and presented.  Would be a great gift also.

Please note that I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for my review, however opinions expressed are entirely my own.

You can purchase this book here.
