Review of The Berenstain Bears God Shows The Way 3 Books in 1 I can Read

Great looking book - the perfect size for young hands to hold - the hard cover is great too.  The language is simple for early readers but they will need a bit of assistance. I love the scriptural references teaching children to hold to scriptures when they are in scary situations and to remember God is with them.  There are three stories.  I was not too happy about the first one making the father out to be an idiot. For me, that happens too much in normal life that Fathers should be respectable in children's books and not made out to be the one who is clumsy or makes all the mistakes.  The other two stories however were fine and didn't have that same negative on the Father or Mother. 
I wouldn't recommend this book purely because of the first story but then if you did get it perhaps that issue could be addressed with the child if it is something that bothers you as it does me.

Please Note: Book Look sent me a copy of this book to review. This review is not influenced by anyone else - it is my own.
