Review of 'Better Together' by Jill Savage

 This is an important book for mothers. So often we do feel like we're stuck at home doing it alone and don't know how to reach out in between nap times and housework. This book is a very practical guide on steps to take to get out and make friends. In some ways it seems like her suggestions are 'no-brainers' but then in our world getting more and more socially inept due to internet and phones, we need this! It was refreshing to read and inspiring. Often it just requires a first step to be made and Jill encourages the reader to do it, it's worthwhile! Cook together, do exchange parties and other ideas. She talks of giving and receiving and not being afraid to ask for help from others.  The importance of listening. praying together, forgiving.

While I didn't relate to her style a lot of times, I think she was trying to appeal to young mothers who would probably love it, I am really glad I read this book.  I appreciate the ideas and am definitely inspired to make more effort in my world.

Please note that I was sent this book for the purpose of review, however my opinions are entirely my own.
