Review of 'American Woman's Bible' Edited by Dr Richard G Lee

My first impression of this Bible is that it is a nice size - not too big and not too small. The font isn't as small as some other Bible's I've read also - which is nice.  It has a dust jacket which matches the design underneath of the hard cover.  

The Bible begins with a dedication page, as standard with most Bibles, also a foreword, table of contents and introduction.  It is followed by a ten point section over a few pages entitled 'A Woman's Journey To Godliness'. This outlines from steps of salvation through to things like surrounding yourself with Godly friendships, being strong in prayer and sharing your journey with others. Following that is a preface explaining the translation etc, then we're into Genesis.  Straight away on the facing page is a biography.  Biography's and quotes continue throughout the Bible.  There are also other informative sections such as what it was like to be a woman in the various era's such as Colonial times.  Each book of the Bible is begun with an introductory page also giving details of the author, if known, estimated dates of writing, setting, themes and insights.

At the end the Biographies are indexed and also the quotes.  This is followed by an index of people and topics and a concordance.

This is a really lovely Bible and would make a great gift for any age woman living in the U.S.A.

Please note that I received a copy of this book in exchange for my review.  This review is entirely my own.
