Review of 'Effortless Healing" by Dr Joseph Mercola

I have followed Dr. Mercola's blog for years and was excited to discover this book written by him.  Basically it's a summary of much of his research related to optimizing our health,  our weight and our life.

It is very logically laid out and an easy read.  I found it a good reminder of excellent information, along with reinspiration, along with new inspiration.

The book itself is divided into three parts. Part One is titled: Effortless Health, Part Two: Help the Body Heal Itself and this goes through 9 healing principles.  Part Three is your effortless healing plan.

I have marked the section on growing your own sprouts as that
is a great way to get good nutrition into your body.  I want to follow his juicing plan - I already juice but am intrigued by his way.  I also want to have a try at fermenting vegetables using his method.  I have made saurkraut once and know how good all that is for you so I need to get to it. I did do Mercola's PEAK fitness routine in the past and liked it, so this is a reminder to get back into that too.

This book is a real wealth of great information and a great place to start if you're wanting to get into a healthier lifestyle.  As Mercola says, your body is on autopilot to heal itself!  We need to make sure our body has all it needs to continue to do that.  At the end of the book is a weekly sample of effortless living plan, which actually looks do-able too.

On the whole I'm really glad I have this book! It is a great resource that I know I will keep going back to, to refer to.  I am glad for people like Mercola who are trained through the medical system but found the things that aren't working and delved in more to find out why.  This book is a great introduction to Dr. Joseph Mercola too, if you aren't familiar with him.  I would definitely recommend it.

Please note I received this book in exchange for my review, however the opinions expressed are completely my own.
