Review of 'Warfare Praying' by Mark I Bubeck

This is a topic that is vital in today's world and yet barely spoken of.  As soon as I saw it I wanted to read it, interested what Mark has to offer on this topic.   It's a great book - very thorough and complete. He goes through the armor of God and what each part of it means for us/ how it protects us.  I have been thinking on that lately and wanted a refresher on that, so this was really good.

It's really well written and easy to read.  He's split it into Four main parts with sections under that.  The Parts are as follows:
Part 1 - The Supremacy of Christ.  This covers the fact that Satan is not invincible; understanding the enemy and his tactics; The power of Christ; keeping God perspective on everything; keys to victory, and being in union with Christ.
Part 2 - The Work Of The Holy Spirit. About being filled by the spirit
Part 3 - The Whole Armor of God. As mentioned above it goes through in depth about each part of
the armor.
Part 4 - The Weapon Of Prayer

He also discusses prayer for revival too.

On the whole - this is a great read and vital information for Christians to be aware of.  I would recommend this book.

Please note that I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for my review, however this review is entirely my own.
