Review of 'The Kindness Challenge' by Shaunti Feldhahn

Being familiar with Shaunti's other books 'For Women Only' and 'For Men Only', I was immediately interested in this one. Plus the title being about kindness - something rarely spoken of in this day and age when everything is about what we deserve, and our rights - was another draw card.  I really like what Shaunti has to say in this book - it is refreshing.  I enjoy her style of writing - it is very easy to read, warm and relatable. It features lots of snippets from real life situations to illustrate points throughout - which makes it more relatable too.

The book is, as the title suggests, about taking a 30 day kindness challenge to improve any relationship that you feel needs work in your life.  It's divided into three parts:
Part 1: Why a little kindness makes a big difference
Part 2: Thirty days to a kinder you
Part 3: Thirty days of kindness tips.

Basically the jist of the book is not to be negative about that person, but to be positive, praise them and focus on their good points.  Be grateful, be kind, think about what would make them happy and do it.  This process will change you and therefore your relationship.

This book is not necessarily for people in a relationship/marriage type situation.  Singles also will benefit as this book helps in any relationship that needs work in our lives - not just romantic.  I found this book inspiring to just be kind and more positive in general in my life, to all I come into contact with.

Please note that I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for my review however the opinions expressed are my own.
