Review of 'An Unexplainable Life' by Erica Wiggenhorn

 This is a 10 Week Bible Study of Acts 1-12 - noted on the cover: 'Recovering the wonder and devotion of the early church'.  This is a larger than normal size paperback book at 7 inches by 9.5 inches.  The cover has the feel of watercolor paper with a watercolor wash type design that resembles the sky and clouds. I really like it.

The introductory section is just a few pages long and it gets straight into Week One.  Each week has a cover page and then following is divided into 'week one, day one' and so on.  Each day (except day one which introduces) has a section of Acts to read aloud, then questions about it.  Following that Erica leads the study through with thought provoking questions at the end relevant to the scriptures/topics being discussed.  I can really see this working so well for a small group type setting.

I think in particular that this book is great to really get you
'chewing', dwelling, meditating on scripture.  To really put yourself there and imagine how things were. For example - one of the studies talks about Barnabas when he brought in Paul.  Erica discusses  how Barnabas probably could have led the group himself and didn't really need Paul but he was humble and sharing the spotlight with someone else didn't phase him.  A question following shortly after asks the reader: 'Have you ever experienced someone arriving to take over something you've started? If so, did you experience purity in your heart or resentment at feeling shoved aside?'

Also in certain parts she refers to her website for further background information on a section or topic also.

This is a really well thought out, well organized, study.  I really enjoyed it.  I felt like it led me through in a logical way and was very inspirational.  I would definitely recommend this book to anyone looking for a great Bible Study on Acts!

Please note that I was sent a copy of this book for purposes of review, however the opinions expressed are entirely my own.
