Review of 'The Beautiful Garden Of Eden' by Gary Bower Illustrated by Barbara Chotiner

This is one of those books that just belong on every child's bookshelf by default!  I love it!  From it's beautiful, matte, hard cover to the rich illustrations throughout and catchy text.

Often I am wary with rhyming books as too often they mess up the rhythm at some point or it seems strained or a stretch.  This book is NOT that way at all. The rhyme pattern and rhythm works perfectly throughout.  It's really fun and reminiscent of the 'house that jack built' type structure.  I haven't really seen that kind of thing done in books aside from 'the house that jack built' and now I think of it, I'm surprised no one else has attempted that style of rhyme and repetition.

The story conveys well. The meaning is not lost in the rhyme and pattern, but moreso established. There is great use of alliteration throughout. For example 'crushing, calamitous curse'  and 'slurpy and sweet'. The illustrations feature a lot of green and red - which makes me feel like I'm in a beautiful rose garden - it's really pretty.

This is only one in the series, I haven't seen any of the others yet but would like to check them out for sure.

I recommend this!  A fun addition that kids will love!

Please note that Tyndale House Publishers sent me a copy of this book for purposes of review, however the opinions expressed are entirely my own.
