Review of 'The Mediterranean Love Plan' by Stephen & Misty Arterburn

I really enjoyed this book!  I wasn't sure if it would have something new as I have read a lot of books in my time but I'm happy to report that this book is a real gem. It is full of amazing advice, great ideas and suggestions that are really practical and really interesting information.  I will be going back to this book for sure, as there is just so much in it.

It is based on seven secrets 'to lifelong passion in marriage' which are:
Attunement, Playfulness, Savoring Food, Enjoying Beauty, Creativity, Health & Longevity and Blending the sacred and the sexual.

In the first chapter, there was an amazing list of '13 ways to keep your lover attuned'. This was not just a list but each point contained really great suggestions and ideas for that 'way'. Each chapter is just so well presented and thought through and easily relatable.  I am excited to share these with my husband. These are the kind of things linked to romance that get lost in the day to day and it's great to have these brought to your attention in practical ways.

This is a fun book to rediscover each other and romance and all that is good about relationships.  I heartily recommend this book! It was enjoyable to read and will no doubt strengthen and refire marriages for sure.

Please note that I was sent a copy of this book for purposes of review however all opinions expressed are my own.

You can purchase this book here.
