Review of 'NKJV Unapologetic Study Bible' by Thomas Nelson

 As you would probably know if you have been reading my blogs for a while... to me, the cover and design through the book, or in this case, Bible is just as important as the content.  For me, the design of the cover of this Bible, and interior pages, is dated and overly simplistic, or even amateurish, in comparison to other Bible's that are coming out of late (many of which I've reviewed and been blown away by their beauty).  Anyway, that aside and onto the content.

Basically this Bible contains content gleaned from the Kairos Journal website.  Apparently it's just a sample contained here and that there is a greater wealth on the actual website specifically aimed at pastors and church leaders.  In saying this though, this Bible is for everyone. I didn't feel it was in appropriate or irrelevant for those not in leadership or pastoral positions.

The goal of this Bible is to challenge the reader to lead their
peers and children toward Godly principles and practices in their daily life.  It addresses a lot of issues that are current in the world today and does not side step around them either.

It is based on a grid system, in which the articles and features throughout this Bible are organized into.  Some of the main subject areas are: Church, Corruption, Economics, Education, Family, Government, Virtue, Sanctity of Life. The four quadrants are: Biblical, Historical, Quotations and Writings, and Commentary.  There is quite a bit of information introducing how it works at the beginning of the Bible.  The articles etc are very interesting to read - I really enjoyed them. Often telling real life stories to illustrate points etc.

So, in summary, if design doesn't bother you and you like going in-depth and are intrigued by the topics I've listed here etc - then definitely try it!  The content is interesting.  Alternately you could just  check out the kairos website first and see the type of content included there.

You can purchase this Bible here

Please note I was sent a copy of this Bible for purposes of review, however all opinions are entirely my own.
