Review of 'The Anxious Christian' by Rhett Smith

This book was actually one that was sent to me in error and I was told I can keep it.  The amazing thing is, it fell into my hands in the one week of my life that I really needed it most.  I have never had such anxiety, that I can recall, as I did this last week, and this book REALLY encouraged me and lifted me.  Normally I wouldn't have considered myself an 'anxious' person at all, yet I guess we all go through seasons, so this was very timely for me.

The introduction really made my heart go out to the writer, Rhett.  He speaks of how anxiety hit him at the young age of 11 when his mother passed away from breast cancer.  After that he would stutter and suffered with great anxiety.  If anyone was to write a book like this, I would say Rhett sure has the life experience and authority on the subject.

He starts off in his chapter about 'Embracing Anxiety' using quotes from 'The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe' by CS Lewis and questioning if God can use your anxiety for good?

"What if God has allowed anxiety in your life in hopes that you wouldn't continue to stuff and bury every feeling and emotion that you experience? How would perceiving anxiety in this way begin to change how you live?" p26.

"Anxiety is, therefore, both the cost and gift of our identity as free creatures in relationship with God.  We have choices.  Without freedom, and the anxiety it entails, we are just slaves..." p29

"Perhaps anxiety is an act of grace because it encourages us to face our fears, so that we can then choose to freely follow God where He is calling us to" p30

"Anxiety can often indicate to us that there is something constructive happening within us, beckoning us to follow it in order that our lives may be transformed" p32

He discusses how healthy anxiety can spur us on, but how unhealthy anxiety will paralyze us.

"To follow after God is to be in a state of heightened alertness and sometimes 'knocking knees' as C. S. Lewis puts it.   Without anxiety, we do not become who God desires us to be".  p37-38

That's enough to whet your appetite on this book! It is excellent and I've shared a few of the quotes that really encouraged me and helped to put things in perspective.  I know for me, to feel anxiety has a place in my life for a God-given reason, helps me face it differently and not feel as overwhelmed. Oh also there are discussion questions at the end of each chapter, which I found really helpful to apply to my own situation too.

I would highly recommend it to anyone struggling with anxiety or paralyzed by fears.  It allows you to step back and regain perspective to keep you moving forward.

You can purchase it here

Please note that I was (accidentally) sent a copy of this book for purposes of review, however all opinions expressed are entirely my own.
